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Increase protein efficiency for higher feed profits

In recent years, there has been increasing concern about nitrogen issues in the dairy industry. When you talk about nitrogen, you talk about protein. What do we learn from the Farmdesk data regarding protein efficiency and ration protein content
Wim Govaerts

Does climate change require a new corn strategy in the lowlands?

Should the early seeding opportunity as in crop year 2022 and the observed drought be the harbinger of a trend, it may be interesting to choose pure dent varieties for certain plots.
Wim Govaerts

Managing feed profits using key figures

On quasi every dairy farm there is money to be made by retreating to our office for a short period of the week to balance our work and the results of the dairy cows.
Jolmer De Vries

Farmdesk ration calculation - some changes

From now on you will also find NDF, ADL, Resistant Starch and DS percentage in the typical Farmdesk ration graph. In this article a motivation (why?) and more background (how? and what?) to this update.
Jef Aernouts, Wim Govaerts

Special grass (clover) silage after a hot and dry summer in 2022

What can we learn from the 2022 grass silage analyses? We see in Farmdesk that the drought and heat made them special silages. Different from 2021 and somewhat similar to 2020.
Wim Govaerts, Lode Slaets

Remarkable cut corn after a hot and dry summer

The feeding season with the new cut corn has already started on many farms. The quality is highly variable. What can we learn from the 2022 cut corn compared to 2020 and 2021?
Wim Govaerts, Lode Slaets

Dealing with heating in corn silage

Due to the dry summer, a good number of corn plots were harvested dry and barren. This barrenness has made it quite a challenge to get the silage properly preserved. In this article more information about the consequences of heating in
Jolmer De Vries

Harvesting and storage of fodder beets

In this article we take a closer look at harvesting and storing fodder beets. For those who have been growing beets for years in their cropping plan a refresher, for those who are harvesting beets for the first time a must.
Dries Grypdonck

Harvesting corn in the 2022 growing season

Now that the weather is getting back to growing a bit in many places, it seems important to start making choices regarding the 2022 corn harvest. On a lot of farms, corn harvest may start as early as this month.
Wim Govaerts

Keeping up fat content during the summer?

Many dairy farmers are familiar with the natural decline in fat content during the summer months. Should we go with the seasonal trend or are there control mechanisms?
Wim Govaerts

What about heat stress in 2022?

Periods of high temperatures will undoubtedly come again in 2022. Prepare ahead of time.
Wim Govaerts

Update standard cultivation costs 2022-2023

Cultivation costs in 2022 are significantly higher than those in 2021, think for example of the price increase of contract labor or fertilizer. In Farmdesk, we have therefore adjusted the standard cost prices.
Jef Aernouts

Our experts

Our articles are written by experts in their field. They enjoy sharing their insights and experiences.